- 3.11 Japan Nuclear power plant art exhibition in Berlin 2013 Gallrry DEN -

 2011,3,11 誰も経験したことのない大きな地震が東日本一帯を襲い未曾有の津波を引き起こした。

<My feelings for 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan>
 On March 11, 2011, the great earthquake struck the northeast of Japan followed by unprecedented tsunami.
 This disaster deprived so many precious things from people.
 Many lost their loved ones and even their hometowns.
 In such an extreme situation, we are urged to confront the meaning of life.
 In my paintings, I try to confine the outpouring spirit of life to encourage people to live through the hard times.
 When I visited Ichinoseki, one of the stricken area in Iwate prefecture,
 I met a lady who works in the dining restaurant.
 She told me that this disaster must not be forgotten and those who survived are responsible for remembering the things happened and passing down to posterity.
 A friend of mine who lives in Kitakami, another stricken town in Iwate, delivered foods and fuel over and over during the chaotic time caused by the earthquake.
 He told me that anyone can be strong if you make action for someone who needs help.
 I believe that the art can lighten up the hope which underlies in the nature of human existence and strengthen people to live through the hard times.

This exhibition is not aqreeing and opposite manifestation to a nuclear power plant..

The theme of a work
 「 Human Being with imminent Anxiety in Present-Day 」

○ Imminent Anxiety 「迫り来る不安」
○ Shadows that Threaten Lives 「命をおびやかす影」
○ People Confronting Diffculties 「立ち向かう人間」

Life ⅳ
oil painting 21×18inch
Life ⅲ
oil painting 21×18inch

(C) TERADA Project

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